Romanians extend their „Why don’t you come over?” campaign with free couches for British citizens willing to travel

Romanians extend their Why don't you come over? campaign with free couches for British citizens willing to travel
Publicat: 03/02/2013, 20:10
Actualizat: 29/07/2014, 18:18

The „Why don’t you come over?” cheeky response campaign that invited British citizens to mass migrate to Romania is going into a more practical stage as the initiators are putting their couches where their mouth is. A recently built website offers British citizens access to ordinary Romanian coaches.

The website aims to turn the slogan into reality, by bringing together Romanians willing to share their couches with a British visitor and – hopefully – British nationals with a sense of adventure. The site uses an interactive map that provides location, address and even pictures of the available couches.

The privately funded campaign is powered by, GMP Advertising and Webstyler.

„The cost of lodging is on our volunteers” assures Claudiu Pândaru, editor in chief of „We wanted to prove that we walk the talk, by offering truly Romanian hospitality to Brits willing to come over and see for themselves what Romania and Romanians are all about. And if our women are indeed Kate and Pippa look-a-likes… or better”, he adds.

„We were inspired by the posters designed by our friends at GMP and the massive response in social media to come up with a website that makes the promise real.” says Bogdan Nitu, Managing Partner at Webstyler. „Brits can now pick a couch from our map, make a reservation, pick a flight or jump into a car and come over for real! We ask fellow Romanians to pitch in and submit more couches to meet the demand!” completes Mihai Gongu, Creative Director of GMP.

„Why don’t you come over?” campaign is a response from and GMP to the British „You won’t like it here!” campaign against potential Romanian immigrants. The campaign became a viral phenomenon in Romania with more than 300,000 users seeing, commenting upon and sharing the original posters in the first 24 hours and hundreds generating their own posters via a special application. News of the campaign spread in both global social media, British print and online newspapers. is the leading online newspaper in Romania – owned by Mediafax Group, the strongest media group in the country. GMP Advertising is one of the most important independent agencies, teaming with Webstyler for online advertising campaigns. The entire effort is privately funded and is in no way affiliated with any political or governmental institution in Romania or elsewhere.

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