THE NFTiST, inclusive community for likeminded people, building our way together towards the technology of tomorrow

THE NFTiST, inclusive community for likeminded people, building our way together towards the technology of tomorrow
Publicat: 13/04/2022, 11:52
Actualizat: 13/04/2022, 11:54

The NFTiST is an inclusive community for likeminded people, building our way together towards the technology of tomorrow – NFTs. Our collection of manually designed digital art will grant you access to the best investment you’ll ever mint!

Our purpose is to offer you the much needed guidance in order to make profitable decisions – the platform was designed as a coaching tool, providing in-depth articles, daily news, analysis, strategies, access to verified NFT projects and podcasts featuring entrepreneurs and consecrated names of the niche.

In a world where technology evolves so quickly, we welcome everybody interested to stay ahead of the game – from NFT Creators and investors to the curious beginners – you all have a place with us.

Decentralised media authority

Once you’ll own the NFTiST, you’ll become part of the first decentralized media authority of the industry and with just a swipe of your MetaMask wallet, you’ll be able to benefit from:

  • exclusive curated content created by industry experts
  • access to our cool metaverse city
  • the trendiest networking events endorsed by celebrities and influencers

Recuring royalties will be earned through our royalty programme and many other benefits, and of course, you’ll have early access to verified and never published NFT projects on our Launchpad.

The ecosystem is built on transparency and a DAO strategy, meant to create a long-lasting connection and involve you directly in choosing how we’ll deliver the promised utility.

We empower our community to decide upon what type of content we’ll deliver on the platform, how will our metaverse city will be developed and what are the projects to be placed on the Launchpad and worth investing in.

Versiunea în limba română AICI.

Cristian Lisandru
S-a născut în București, pe data de 18 iulie 1968, și este absolvent al Facultăţii de Jurnalism, specializarea Comunicare. Activitatea jurnalistică mai mult
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