West Gate And Novo Park Become BREEAM Certified Office Buildings

West Gate And Novo Park Become BREEAM Certified Office Buildings
Publicat: 19/06/2013, 15:59
Actualizat: 19/06/2013, 15:59

Office projects West Gate and Novo Park, located in western and northern Bucharest, have obtained the BREEAM Very Good certification and became the first green office parks on the local market.

Romanian businessman Liviu Tudor, owner of the two projects and one of the largest office space owners in Bucharest, holds 100,000 square meters of green office spaces after obtaining the BREEAM certification.

Tudor obtained the certification for seven of the 12 buildings located in business parks West Gate and Novo Park. Investments ranged between EUR1.5 and EUR3 million for each certified building.

„As regards West Gate and Novo Park, investment in each of the buildings ranged between EUR15-EUR20 million, and subsequent investments to obtain the BREEAM certification ranged between EUR1.5 and EUR3 million for each certified building,” Tudor said in a statemnt.

West Gate comprises five office buildings with a rentable area of 75,000 square meters. The first four office buildings, which cover a total 60,000 sqm, have ready been BREEAM certified, whereas the fifth building, delivered in the first quarter of 2013, will get the certification after a year of functioning, according to BREEAM standards.

Novo Park comprises seven office buildings with a rentable area of over 75,000 square meters. The first three buildings, which cover a total 40,000 sqm, have recently been BREEAM certified, whereas the rest of the buildings will get the certification by the end of the year.

Tudor said both office parks are nearly 100% occupied.

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is the world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings, with 250,000 buildings with certified BREEAM assessment ratings and over a million registered for assessment since it was first launched in 1990.

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