VIDEO | Tate brothers’ cars, lifted. The prosecutors are seizing the cars worth millions of euros

Publicat: 14/01/2023, 14:42

Brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate were arrested on 29 December by DIICOT prosecutors. On December 30, Andrew and Tristan Tate, Luana Alexandra Radu, a former policewoman at Police Station 7, and Georgiana Naghel were remanded in custody for 30 days.

The Tate brothers are accused by DIICOT prosecutors that, in 2021, they „established an organized criminal group with a view to committing the crime of human trafficking on the territory of Romania and other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom”.

After thorough checks, the Tate brothers’ colossal fortune was seized. Among the cars seized by DIICOT prosecutors are an Aston Martin Vanquish S Ultimate worth €250,000, a Rolls Royce Wraith Black Badge worth €360,000, a BMW X6 M worth €30,000 and a Lada 1500 worth around €10,000. A Porsche Carrera 4S 911 992, which has a market value of €120,000, is also under seizure.

On Saturday morning, some of the cars were taken from the Pipera home of the two brothers. There was a real deployment of forces at the Pipera villa from the early hours of the morning to pick up the brothers’ cars. What’s more, according to Gândul sources, it was discovered that one of the Tate brothers’ expensive cars, a BMW X6, had not been serviced.

The seized limousines will be stored at the National Agency for the Administration of Seized Assets (ANABI) during the trial.

Investigators will also determine the amount of damage caused by Andrew and Tristan Tate, which will be recovered from their accounts and from the proceeds of the seized villas and luxury cars if the court finally finds Andrew and Tristan Tate guilty.

List of assets seized by the prosecutors

The Bucharest Court debated, on Wednesday, the file in which the lawyer of the Tate brothers requests the release of the seizure placed by DIICOT on the property of the two millionaires. They want their villas, cars, and luxury items back, but the Bucharest court rejected the Tate brothers’ appeal against the seizure. The court’s decision is final.

The Tate brothers’ wealth includes luxury gold watches, more than 10 plots of land and real estate, 15 cars and substantial sums of money, both in lei and euros.

What does brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate’s lawyer say about the seizure placed on their assets?

The lawyer of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate was asked on Wednesday at the Bucharest Court whether it is more important to free the two or to release their assets from seizure.

„From my point of view, they are equally relevant. Any act deemed to have been issued unlawfully against a person enjoying full rights and freedoms is to be challenged and the court is to rule on the legality or illegality of that act.” Said lawyer Eugen Vidineac.

Asked how the seizure of their assets by prosecutors affected the Tate brothers, he replied: ”Any violation of a fundamental right is at least subject to a relative nullity, as it causes an injury for the simple fact that a fundamental right provided for by the ECHR is unlawfully violated, i.e. a person’s right to property.”.

Tate brothers remanded in custody for human trafficking

Andrew and Tristan Tate have been in custody since December 29, after DIICOT prosecutors raided their villa in Pipera and their videochat studio. Two Romanian women were arrested with them, one of them a former policewoman at the Police Station 7 in Bucharest.

The charges are of constituting an organized criminal group, trafficking in human beings and rape, and the prosecutors have provided sufficient grounds for the Bucharest court judges to decide to arrest the Tate brothers and the two Romanian women for 30 days.

Gândul has published the first exclusive images after the arrest of brothers Andrew and Tate,  as well as the two Romanian women, all of whom were taken handcuffed by police van to the Central Prison.

Elena Popescu
Elena Popescu iubește jurnalismul încă din adolescență, atunci când și-a descoperit pasiunea pentru scriitură. Primul job a fost la numai 21 de mai mult
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