VIDEO | The Bucharest Court rejected the seizure appeal of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate. The list of assets seized by prosecutors

Publicat: 11/01/2023, 18:01
Actualizat: 11/01/2023, 20:31

The Bucharest Court debated on Wednesday the case in which the lawyer of the Tate brothers is asking for the lifting of the seizure placed by DIICOT on the wealth of the two millionaires. They want their villas, cars, and luxury items back. 

UPDATE 04:00 P.M. – The Bucharest Court rejected the seizure appeal of the Tate brothers. The court’s decision is final.


Primary news:

On Wednesday, the Capital Court heard the appeal of the Tate brothers regarding the preventive seizure instituted by the prosecutors from Organized Crime. The judges will determine if they allow the two access to all the assets they have.

The decision will be made in the first instance, so the measure can be challenged by both the Tate brothers and the investigators.

List of assets seized by prosecutors

The two millionaires want to regain possession of the wealth that the investigators believe they must keep under sequestration.
We are talking about luxury gold watches, more than 10 plots of land and real estate, 15 cars and substantial sums of money, both in lei and euros.
Two kilograms of gold bars and shares in various companies were also seized.

Lawyer: If they had any intention of alienating their patrimony, they could have done so, between April and December 100 times

The lawyer of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate was asked, on Wednesday, at the Bucharest Court if it is more important to release the two or to remove their assets from seizure.

„In my view they are equally relevant. Any act deemed to have been issued unlawfully against a person who enjoys all the rights and freedoms is to be challenged and the court is to rule on the legality or illegality of that act”, said lawyer Eugen Vidineac.

Next, he was asked how the prosecutors’ seizure of their assets had affected the Tate brothers.

„Any violation of a fundamental right is struck by at least a relative nullity, as it causes an injury for the simple fact that a fundamental right provided for by the ECHR, namely the person’s right to property, is unlawfully violated”, explained the defender of the two millionaires investigated by DIICOT.

In front of the judges, the lawyer said they did not intend to sell the seized assets. He then also justified why brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate want to regain possession of the fortune.

„It is not about what I want to or don’t want to do, the idea is that I want to freely and timely dispose of my property assets whenever an opportunity arises. And it’s not just that they don’t want to sell them. Some of the seized assets were acquired after April 11, 2022, so if they had any intention of disposing of their assets in order not to be later subject to the satisfaction of civil claims or an extended special confiscation, they could have done so, between April and December 100 times. Or I want to freely dispose of my property, whenever I want, whenever I consider it appropriate, whether I want it or not. I don’t have to stay with a lien on my goods, just because what?”, the millionaires’ defender asked rhetorically.

Lawyer: The only civil claims insinuated at this point do not amount to even 0.1% of the value of the seized assets

In the opinion of the defender of the two millionaires, the seizure of the assets is not necessary to cover the possible damages that should be paid to the victims, because the only civil claims that could be requested do not even represent 01% of the value of the assets seized by the investigators.

„The only civil claims insinuated at this point are not even 01, % of the value of the seized assets on the one hand. On the other hand, according to the judicial practice itself, it is shown that at the time of the institution of this measure there must be a relative assessment of at least a possible damage or at least of a possible illicitly obtained amount. Now, if we are dealing with a case that started in April, that has been so well covered by the media, and so far, no other injured parties and civil claims have emerged, they are, as I have shown, extraordinarily disproportionate. One of the fundamental principles when imposing a seizure order, namely the principle of proportionality, has not been respected”, he explained.

How did Andrew and Tristan Tate receive the news that they would not be released

„ I think their reaction was like that of anyone hoping for release and judicial success following an appeal against the preventive detention measure. They didn’t take the news well. But that doesn’t stop them from fighting for the truth. On the other hand, they didn’t show up today not because they didn’t want to face the judges, but because it was a procedure that didn’t involve taking statements in their presence, so in order to make it easier for us and for them, they decided not to come”, added the millionaires’ defender of choice.


Otilia Serescu
Absolventă a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării, Otilia Serescu a debutat în mai mult
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