Trace, the builder with the most PROGRESS on a highway segment registered in December

Publicat: 06/02/2024, 15:48

The Trace – Coni association, the builder of segment 2, Mizil – Pietroasele (28 km) of the Ploiești-Buzău Motorway, part of the Moldova Motorway (A7), registered the largest advance of almost 8% in the top of the highway and express road builders list in December. In the last month of 2023, Trace works on the concrete structures that support the 15 bridges on the Mizil-Pietroasele segment. That time, a Gândul team was on site and monitored the work.

Whether we are talking about the longest bridge of the segment built by Trace, the one on a metal deck structure at kilometer 38 + 309, or the one with 40-metre concrete beams at kilometer 45+407, the activity is intense. The workers are working on the iron-concrete mesh, which will reinforce the supporting pillar, and on the formwork to prepare the pouring of concrete.

„For our part we have 15 bridges. Here is the largest of the bridges which stands on metal structure. The distance for metal bridges is longer than for normal concrete bridges,” Trace Romania project manager Georgy Ivanov points out.

No less than 80 piles were drilled to a depth of 25 meters so that the structures supporting the with a metal deck bridge are well fixed in the ground.

„The structure on the metal deck is longer than the concrete beams. The concrete beams are made at a length of 24-40 meters, those on the metal deck are made at 60 meters”, explains the site manager Ștefan Stan.

„The concrete structure does not affect the running surface”

He assures us that the 180-metre-long bridge will have no asphalt problems.

“They have their own slip joint, they have their own stages. So, it has nothing to do with the asphalt, the metal deck structure, the concrete structure, so it doesn’t affect the road surface at all,” says Stan.

And at the largest bridge with concrete beams, a team of workers „braces” the concrete iron reinforcement. And its piles were drilled at 25 meters and the abutments that will support the 40-metre-long concrete beams are impressive. From level 0 to 8 m, where the beams will be installed, 600 cubic meters of concrete have been poured in one abutment alone.

„Now we’ve brought it to the waterproofing stage, which is what comes into contact with the ground, and we’re getting ready for reinforcement, for formwork and for concreting the inverted wall, the guard wall, which is at the top of the slab,” Stefan Stan explains this stage of the work.

„We work with Ferrobeton, this is our producer,” Ivanov said.

The works are conform scheduled

Trace’s Romania project manager said the works are on schedule.

„We don’t have to hurry, we don’t have to go slower, we have to go according to our schedule. Quality and safety, first of all,” concluded Ivanov.

According to Georgy Ivanov, in October 2024 the works will be completed. The Bulgarian company Trace has 25 years of experience in the construction of transport infrastructure, in the Balkans, internationally. It is listed on the Sofia Stock Exchange since 2007. Trace was designated the winner on lot 2 of the Ploiești-Buzău highway, part of the Moldovei Highway, alongside the Romanians from Coni. On June 7, 2022, the contract was signed, and the order to start the works was issued on August 11.

Read also:

EXCLUSIV | Lucrările pe Lotul 2 al Autostrăzii Ploiești – Buzău, construit de Asocierea Coni-Trace, aproape de 50%

EXCLUSIV VIDEO | Trace has started technological tests at the asphalt production plant needed for Lot 2 of the Ploiesti-Buzău Motorway

VIDEO EXCLUSIV | Trace solutions and strategies for large, complex and difficult infrastructure works in Serbia and Bulgaria

Bogdan Pavel
Senior editor Are o experiență de aproape trei decenii în mass media românească, în care a ocupat, pe rând, aproape toate funcțiile într-o mai mult
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