Breaking news in the „Tate” case: Andrew and Tristan visited in detention by the British Consul in Bucharest and the head of the economic department of the Embassy | VIDEO

Things are getting worse for the Tate brothers. Andrew and Tristan were visited in custody by the British consul in Bucharest and the head of the embassy’s economic department, according to information obtained by GÂNDUL.

The meeting took place on Wednesday and the British officials are due to come again to the capital’s police headquarters, where the Tate millionaires are incarcerated.

The British Consul in Bucharest came to the Bucharest police station accompanied by the head of the Embassy’s economic department.

New searches in the Tate brothers’ case. Video chat studio owners are targeted.

The British officials’ visit to the prison comes as  new searches in the Tate case take place on Thursday. Prosecutors descended on locations in Bucharest, Ilfov and Prahova, judicial sources told GÂNDUL. Videochat studio owners are targeted.

Early Thursday morning, prosecutors and police officers went to several addresses in Ilfov and Prahova counties and in Bucharest.

In total, seven locations are targeted by prosecutors. Evidence is being sought in the case of videochat business, from studio owners allegedly linked to brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate.

One of the raids is on Vlad Obu, a former martial arts fighter who runs a videochat studio in Voluntari.

Sources close to the investigation told GÂNDUL that documents are being checked and equipment is being collected for the computer search.

According to GÂNDUL sources, investigators are likely to extend the prosecution in the case against the two millionaires of British origin, in the case opened by DIICOT.

Law enforcement officers want to collect new evidence in the case opened by DIICOT, in which they are investigating for the establishment of a criminal group, rape and human trafficking.

Girlfriend of one of the millionaires targeted by searches

Sources consulted by GÂNDUL say that Thursday’s raids also targeted the girlfriend of one of the two millionaires, with whom the Brit has a child.

In front of the judges, one of the Tate brothers said he and his girlfriend have a young child to persuade the court to release him.

He failed to impress the court with this, and what’s more, his girlfriend has now also been searched in the case of the two Brits’ business in Romania.

What the Tate brothers are doing in detention, if they have regrets or not, if they understand their situation, are information that you can find in the extensive interview conducted by Gândul with lawyer Eugen Vidineac that you can watch in full on the Youtube channel.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEO | The psychological profile of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, made by forensic psychologist Tudorel Butoi: “They exploit a suffering, show off their power over people, have a sick ego and behave eccentrically. They can’t rehabilitate, they are psychopathic structures”

EXCLUSIVE | Shocking new transcripts from the Tate brothers’ case. “Do you want me to be your slave or your wife? I didn’t like that the girls called you our king”

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO | The first images of the Tate brothers before entering the courtroom at the Bucharest Court of Appeal. The book Andrew Tate was holding when he came out of the police van

Several supporters of the Tate brothers came to the Court of Appeal. People demand the release of the two | VIDEO

Andrew and Tristan Tate remain in custody. The authorities revoked the appeal to preventive arrest. Their lawyer: I am very disappointed. The decision is excesive in my opinion”

EXCLUSIVE | Andrew Tate’s conversion to Islam, under scrutiny by US authorities. DIICOT prosecutors search 19 countries for accounts where the Tate brothers may have stashed their money

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO | The first images of the Tate brothers before entering the courtroom at the Bucharest Court of Appeal. The book Andrew Tate was holding when he came out of the police van

VIDEO | Brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate find out today if they will be released or remain in custody. DIICOT opposes the release, the lawyer claims that there is no evidence for the prosecutors’ accusations

EXCLUSIVE | The woman who had access to the Tate brothers’ accounts, alleged to have beaten her neighbours. The victims requested the help of the Police

EXCLUSIVE. The lawyer of the Tate brothers, Eugen Vidineac, breaks the silence and talks about the flaws in the evidence of the file instrumented by the DIICOT: “We requested the Prosecutor’s Office to confront the victims with the defendants!”. Find out why the US Embassy is in an unprecedented situation and about the children of the Tate brothers in Romania

Andrei Dumitrescu
Andrei Dumitrescu este un jurnalist specializat în realizarea de articole legate, în special, de activitatea Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și toate mai mult
Otilia Serescu
Absolventă a Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științe ale Comunicării, Otilia Serescu a debutat în mai mult
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