Several supporters of the Tate brothers came to the Court of Appeal. People demand the release of the two | VIDEO

Publicat: 10/01/2023, 20:40
Actualizat: 11/01/2023, 20:35

Several supporters of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate came to the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Tuesday, where the proposal to maintain the preventive detention of the two is being heard.

One of the supporters arrived at the Court of Appeal wearing a T-shirt with „FREE TATE” written on it.

GANDUL has the first images of Andrew and Tristan Tate, along with the other suspects in the human trafficking and rape case, 12 days after they were arrested. As he steps out of the police van, Andrew Tate holds the Koran after announcing in 2021 that he had converted to Islam. (Read the rest here…)

 Tate brothers find out whether or not they remain in custody

The Tate brothers, through their lawyers, and the two Romanian women have challenged the preventive arrest measure at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, which will decide definitively whether to accept the DIICOT prosecutors’ proposal and leave the four defendants still under preventive arrest or whether they will be placed under house arrest or investigated while free, under judicial control.

Andrew and Tristan Tate, as well as the two Romanians, will be brought before the court on Tuesday from the Capital Police Detention Center, where they have been held since December 29, 2022, when the prosecutors detained them, following searches, after which the court issued 30-day preventive arrest warrants on their behalf.

Eugen Vidineac, the Tate brothers’ lawyer, challenged the pre-trial detention, saying (more details HERE) that the prosecutors of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism do not have evidence to support the charges and that the whole case is based on the statement of one of the victims, a woman from the Republic of Moldova.

The Tate brothers had their status changed from witnesses to suspects and from suspects to defendants on the evening of 29 December 2022, by which time they had been witnesses, so they would not have had the opportunity to study the prosecution case file. The Britons were detained when the DIICOT prosecutor notified them of their status as defendants and issued a detention order, said lawyer Eugen Vidineac.

„Leaving the defendants free poses a danger to public order”

The judge of rights and freedoms considered that letting brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate go free would be „a danger to public order” (detailed information HERE).

Andrew and Tristan Tate have shown „a fundamental disregard for the social relationships protected by criminal law”.  They had the „ability” to identify exactly the vulnerable people who could then serve their purposes, taking advantage – through constant sentimental manipulation – of their victims’ needs for affection, trust and stability.

„The judge of rights and freedoms holds that leaving the defendants at liberty presents a danger to public order and it is necessary to take the measure of preventive detention to remove this state of danger, given the particular gravity of the crimes committed by the defendants, the concrete manner in which they acted, showing a fundamental disregard for social relations protected by criminal law,” it is also stated in the conclusion of the hearing presented by Gândul.

The ability of the defendants (editor’s note – brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate) to identify vulnerable persons and to exploit their needs for affection, trust, stability, creating the impression of a close relationship and thus removing any suspicion that the victims might have had, Is noted, the need for attention and affection being then exploited by the defendants in order to determine their victims to perform the above-mentioned activities. Nor can be ignored the contribution of the women defendants (…), who carried out for the defendants the constant supervision of the victims, coordinated their daily activities and exerted psychological pressure on them to work as much as possible” – Extract from the conclusion of the hearing held on 30.12.2022 – Bucharest Court.


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