The Tate brothers, classified as „dangerous prisoners” after the „Note” maneuver. They were brought to DIICOT handcuffed behind their backs – PHOTO&VIDEO

Publicat: 06/02/2023, 17:35
Actualizat: 06/02/2023, 21:49

The two Tate brothers, Andrew and Tristan also left the central detention center of the Capital Police on Monday morning. They were brought to DIICOT, where prosecutors continued computer searches in the file opened in their name.

The novelty would be that, after the „Note” maneuver, since the last exits from the prison, the two brothers seem to have changed their classification and now they would be considered „dangerous prisoners”.

How the Tate brothers were brought to DIICOT

Judicial sources told GÂNDUL that the DIICOT prosecutors conducted new computer searches on Monday, February the 6th, in the case concerning Andrew and Tristan Tate.

Handcuffed with their hands behind their backs, this is how the Tate brothers were taken out of the police car that transported them from the central arrest headquarters of the Capital Police to the DIICOT.

While they had previously received a lighter regime, this time the two appeared to be classified as „dangerous prisoners”. Only criminals, rapists and other inmates considered to be extremely dangerous, whose guarding requires extra measures such as handcuffing with their hands behind their backs and sometimes even with leg chains, are transported in this way.

Tristan Tate: „ Take that, take that! Read it!”

Last week, brought in to be present at the computer searches carried out by prosecutors, the Tate brothers seized the opportunity and, as they got out of the police van, threw two notes supporting their case to journalists present at the DIICOT headquarters.

Take that, take that! Read it!, Tristan Tate managed to say as he tossed a crumpled note onto the floor.

The former martial arts fighter wrote in his message to the journalists: The DIICOT evidence against us is that our friends Beatrice and Iasmina made videos on TikTok in 2021. That’s why I’m in prison. Ask DIICOT about the evidence. Ask the judges who is influencing them. Tell the world what’s going on„.

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